Vietnam vet is heartbroken on his birthday, then Marine sneaks up behind him, gives him the best gift in the world

“My grandfather… is the entire reason I joined the Marine Corps. He is the proudest man I know and was absolutely delighted when I told him I was thinking about joining,” Christian wrote on social media site Imgur.

It was his grandfather’s birthday, and the whole family gathered around the Vietnam veteran on the front lawn. Little did he know, he was about to get a surprise visitor!

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With his unsuspecting grandfather looking the other way, Christian sneaks up behind him in his brand new Marines dress uniform and patiently waits for him to turn around. When he does, his reaction brings everyone to tears.

YouTube/ Rumble Viral

The veteran bursts into tears as he embraces his grandson. You can’t help but be touched by the poignant reunion.

Christian wrote after the surprise: “I always told him when I was little, I’d make him proud one day, and seeing his smile when I showed up in my blues absolutely thrilled me. I couldn’t have asked for more.”

Watch the heartwarming moment for yourself below, but be warned – you’ll need tissues at the ready!

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